Guys and Gals
We had our Annual General Meeting this last Monday and we made a lot of progress when it comes to this team and our goals. One thing that I would like to mention before I introduce the entire new directors. Every year during this meeting we talk about how we want to be perceived as a rugby team, whether we are a social side or looking to take our division. That wasn’t even a question this year, this year we start a new and we go after that division title. We have the tools and the direction that will take us to the levels that we want. We are going to be looked at as a huge part of Northern Colorado sports, the Flamingo name will be known and respected as a hard working, community service team that brings home hardware. The business side of this team is built for everyone as team players to take advantege of. Our growth is based on all of us working to build a presence within our community. I promise you all that when you go out and present the CPC program that small businesses are very receptive to the idea, in many of them will offer more then just the annual dues.
Est. 1978 / Re-designed 2010
Some of the issues that were brought up at the AGM:
- Website (Everybody should be familur with the site and all of its uses. Everybody needs to build a profile.)
- Coaching
- Fields
- Community Service
- CPC Program
- Irish Festival
- Tournaments
- Island Party
- Gym (Rain Tree)
If you have any question about any of these subjects email me directly –
Our new Team Leaders:
Match Secretary – Works as our liaison with other teams both in our division and on a national level. Sets up our schedule for both Spring and Fall season.
Congratulations to Sol Mascarenes
Recruitment Chair – Is in charge of brainstorming new ideas on how to attract and keep new players. Also, work with brand new athletes to keep their enthusiasm up and keep them motivated.
Congratulations to Sam (White) Starlin
Fund Raising & Marketing – This position is in charge of working with all events that pertain to raising money for the team and our charities. He will also be working to help with any marketing ideas for the team.
Congratulations to David Luedtke
Treasurer – Working to make sure that all of the money that we bring is organized and distributed to the needed events or vendors. Also, this is who you go to when it comes to paying your dues. (Get your dues in now!)
Congratulations to Bruce Serby
Secretary – Organization of events and socials. Also, will be heading up the needs of our social networks and our website to make sure that everything is updated. The secretary will also know whom to contact within the team when it comes to business, social or organizational issues.
Congratulations to Richard Carter
Vice President – He will be working directly with the Coaching staff and field crews to make sure that all home events are set up and running smoothly. He will also be involved with recruitment and new player development.
Congratulations to Chris (Eye Candy) Jessen
President – He will be working on the business side of the team. His job is to work with all of the directors to make sure that the entire team is focused on the same goals. Also, he will be working on the exposure, money making and community service for the team.
Congratulations to Terje (Silverback) Whitmore
Coaching Staff:
Head Coach – Brendan Freer
Assistant Coaches – Brad Polzin & J.A. Cragg (Jay)
From here on out these are the guys that you will be talking to when it comes to anything that has to do with playing rugby. These guys are the guys that we as a team will trust in to design a successful training schedule and goals on the pitch. When we are at practice these are the three guys that will be in charge and we will be giving them the respect that they deserve as coaches.
I want you all to be excited for what is about to happen with this team! We have the tools to reach and exceed all of our team goals. The tools that we have include your team leaders and their desire to take this team to the next level.
This is where it starts –
Where you see violence, I see a sport…
Where you see blood, I see determination…
Where you feel pain, I feel achievement…
Where you see a team, I see a community.
– “That’s why I play Rugby” –
(written by your marketing director)
Here is to the start of 2010. See you all on the pitch. Remember…this is “your” team and it’s success starts with you!
Terje S Whitmore
Northern Colorado Rugby