Last Night was Fort Collins’ Annual General Meeting and Superbowl party. It was kicked off at 11am with rousing games of tackle football, touch rugby, and rugby 10s. To summarize the meeting: Terje Whitmore remains president, Chad Parker takes over the VP slot, Chris Fielder will be secretary and Donny Slager takes over as treasurer. Edward Sauer is now heading the Fundraising, Jason Fegel (me) continues in recruitment, Sol Mascarenas will continue his great work as match secretary, and Keith Slate and I will share Web design and updates. A new position, community service chairman will be filled by Mark Butweiler. This position will focus on projects the club can do to improve our community. Steve Rimmer will step up this spring as a player/coach, as Greg Chvatal needs to focus on the youth teams. With the clubs assistance, Steve has selected Jeff Brundage as the back’s captain, and Sol Mascarenas as the forward’s captain for the season. This author has to mention that he was nominated, along with Chad Parker for the forward’s captaincy. This author, while happy to be nominated, feels that Sol will make an excellent captain, just as he has done in the past.
Practices will begin February 15th, and start at 5:30pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays. On Sundays, until matches begin, the touch sessions will be full practices. All practices are planned on being held at Boltz Jr high
There appears to be several exciting events in the works for this year, including making the Flamingo Migration a bi-annual event (Gotta fly north in the spring, and south in the fall right?), holding a Fort Collins Rugby Club Golf Outing, and a “Marina Island” Party which sounds like it could be a good fundraiser.
The season kicks off next weekend with the St. Valentines Massacre tournament in Breckenridge, and the first regular match will be March 5th. The schedule looks quite good this year with several clubs that we rarely get a chance to compete against. All in all it is looking to be an exciting Spring Season for the Flamingos.