Fort Collins took to the feild with heart and excitement. The Flamingos quickly set the pace for the game securing two quick penalty kicks, and securing the lead. The Barbarians and Flamingos spent the rest of the game driving headily into each other, keeping a close game with the Flamingos maintaining their lead up until the final ten minutes of the game. The Barbarians then executed two well performed drives and conversion kicks, putting the Barbarians in the lead at the end, final score 21-32 Barbarians.
With 25 Flamingos, dozens of supporters, and many whores, we played a B-Side game against a motly crew consisting of some Barbarians, some whores, and even some Flamingos, to finish the day off with another great rugby game.
Flamingo Spring Migration
Following the game and afterparty, we held our 4th bi-annual pub crawl. Once again, the migration was a huge success, and we thank our sponsor bars for hosting us.